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Box Technologies and Argus join forces to make biometrics in retail a reality

When it comes to knowing exactly who is in their store at a given time, it is likely most retailers have no idea. Argus Global, an… View Article


Box Technologies and Argus join forces to make biometrics in retail a reality

When it comes to knowing exactly who is in their store at a given time, it is likely most retailers have no idea. Argus Global, an innovator in the biometrics space and retail technology specialist, Box Technologies, are hoping to reverse that trend, and have joined forces to launch facial recognition solutions for the retail sector.

Building face recognition technology into the retail and advertising experience has long been the preserve of sci-fi movies and marketers’ dreams. Working together, Box and Argus Global deliver world leading face recognition technologies, providing customer analytics and marketing information in the retail store.

Biometrics can help resolve a wide range of issues facing modern day retailers. From ensuring the till is secure, to helping to understand your customers and drive sales, the considered application of the right biometric technology can help grow profits and deliver better customer service.

Ian Patterson, head of retail at Box, said: “There is no doubt that biometrics is becoming a hot topic in the retail space, and this is why we have chosen to join forces with the leading specialist in this area, Argus Global.

“Facial recognition technology, delivered with a digital signage system, can provide real time demographic information to retailers, clearly demonstrating who is looking at their promotional materials and where customers are stopping to browse and review. This has real benefit in terms of assisting shop floor design.”

Eric McDonogh, managing director EMEA at Argus, added: “We are working with Box to help retailers better understand their customers, know about their shopping habits and predict their needs. Long since identified as the ‘holy grail’ of retail marketing, knowing who is in your store, and what they are looking at when they get there, can provide powerful and insightful data.

“Biometric technology can help level the playing field relating to online marketing spend, by providing marketers with the valuable and pertinent data around who was in their store, what areas of the store interested them and of course, linked to a POS system, what products they eventually purchased.”

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